Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Take control of your pelvic health.

Pelvic health physiotherapy is the assessment, treatment and management of issues relating to the pelvic organs (bladder, bowel, uterus) and pelvic floor muscles by a qualified physiotherapist that has completed further study in the sub-specialty of Women's or Men's Pelvic Health.

Both men and women can experience problems with their pelvic health, causing the annoying and sometimes embarrassing symptoms that can be associated with pelvic floor disorders.

We offer client-centred, individualised exercise programmes and practical advice to alleviate or prevent the following common pelvic floor disorders; stress urinary incontinence; urge urinary incontinence; diastasis rectus abdominus; overactive bladder; pelvic organ prolapse; faecal incontinence; and constipation.

Want to know more? Contact us for a free, confidential chat about whether pelvic health physiotherapy is right for you or check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Pelvic Health Initial Assessment

In your initial pelvic health assessment, our experienced physiotherapist will take the time to listen to your concerns and explore the factors that may have lead to your issue.

The assessment of pelvic health dysfunction needs to be in-depth and thorough and as a result can involve asking some very personal questions. A physical assessment may then be performed which can include; a bio mechanical assessment (how you move and use your body) and an external and internal pelvic examination, if required.

Time: 60 min

Cost: Private- $145/ ACC- $40

Pelvic Health Follow-Up

Your follow-up session will depend on the findings of the initial assessment.

You will usually be given a home exercise programme to complete and correct technique will often be checked at this session, as well as an assessment of the progress you have made. If you have had difficulty with activating or relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, some manual therapy techniques or biofeedback can be utilised to assist you with better performance of your exercises.

Time: 40 min

Cost: Private- $90/ ACC- $25